When All the World’s a Stage

It was the poet and playwright William Shakespeare who once wrote that “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely actors.”  This may still be the worldview of some, but this man-centered paradigm has never been, and will never be, the God-ordained purpose of the Church, especially on the Lord’s Day.  Listen to what one author wrote concerning the condition of many church worship services today:

When ministry becomes performance, then the sanctuary becomes a theater, the congregation becomes an audience, worship becomes entertainment, the altar becomes a stage and man’s applause and approval become the measure of success.”

Sadly, this is now happening in churches all over our country, conducted and orchestrated by misguided men in ecclesiastical authority.  When this performance-based model of “worship” is followed, it will dishonor the Lord, leaving the true remnant of God’s elect unfed and starving for authentic worship while the masses are entertained and appeased.  Oh sure, the raw audience numbers will likely increase in this theater, for man loves to believe that God is altogether like him. However, more of this same stage entertainment will be required to keep this audience happy and in attendance, for what we win them with, is what we win them to.  Otherwise, the crowds may go elsewhere for their Sunday morning performances.

Every Pastor’s Temptation:

And herein lies the temptation for every pastor, myself included.  Will attempts be made towards pleasing people and increasing numbers, or will efforts be made to keep the worship service Biblically pure and vertically directed towards the Lord, undefiled by the world with numbers being hanged!?  Is the worship service focused on promoting the holiness of God or the comfort and entertainment of people?  The one path pleases God and blesses His people, but may sentence a congregation to small numbers with tight budgets and few programs.  The other path pleases man, dishonors God, increases numbers in the pews, increases dollars in the coffers, provides for bigger programs, bigger buildings, bigger egos, more staffing, but risks leaving the elect empty and the definition of true worship unfulfilled.  Fear of God, or fear of man?  Hmmmm.

For Sale:  The Church Worship Service?

Today, we have a buffet table brimming over with “choice” regarding church worship services and it’s the pastor who has become the table caterer.  “What’s your banqueting pleasure?  Do you like drama and skits on a Sunday morning?  You got it!  How about some orange and purple lights on the stage with a darkened sanctuary?  Oh, so very cool.”  There are plenty of men out there with seminary degrees willing to kick their bibles to the curb to thrill your senses and entertain the masses if it means you’ll come and give to the cause.  Hey, if you’re really “blessed”, you might find a church that has two totally different types of worship services…one to serve those who are of a more “contemporary” crowd and atmosphere and one service that is more “traditional” for the older, throw-back crowd.  Contempo and retro, two completely different catering shows!  You see, this way, everyone can be pleased and appeased.  And with this man-centered programming come numbers and dollars and buildings and…O.K., enough.  How messed up and misdirected is this?

“I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do.  But I will warn you whom to fear: fear Him who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him!”  Luke 12:4-6 ESV

Do you see what’s going on here?  The worship service is being designed and orchestrated to please the worshipper instead of Him who commands His creatures to worship.  Man’s personal preferences are being exalted on the Lord’s Day.  What a lethal contradiction!  Leave it to the heart of man to distort and infect, even the activity of worship in the church, with human self-service.

When ministry is truly conducted for the glory of God and worship is directed vertically towards the Lord, (instead of horizontally towards men), the sanctuary takes on a whole different environment.  First and foremost, the Lord is honored and glorified.  Next, the sheep of the Lord are fed and blessed while the goats often become bored, frustrated and uncomfortable in His presence.  Only those truly regenerate, or being drawn by God, will desire to participate in this service.  The results will be a purer congregation and a powerful tool to evangelize the elect from the ranks of the lost.

May the Lord give us the wisdom, strength and grace to keep the stage of entertainment, along with all of its actors, out of the church as His people are given opportunity to worship Him in spirit and in truth, rather than in flesh and falsity.

—Craig Lofthus