Church Update

Dear Grace Bible Fellowship Church Family,              

The elders have had many discussions over the past 2 weeks regarding what our response to the Corona Virus pandemic crisis should be.  Both the Governor and the local county health departments are asking that all group meetings be suspended until the spread of this virus is able to be more contained.  While it appears that the older generation is at greater risk, all of us are potential carriers of this virus. We not only want to be caring toward our own church family, but we want to be respectful toward our community neighbors around us, being a good testimony to the world that we live in.

We have determined that it is best to suspend all church gatherings for at least the next two weeks – 3/22 and 3/29.  This will include Sunday School, and the morning Worship Service as well. We will re-examine our situation beyond these dates and be in communication with you all.

This was a difficult decision for us to make and one that we made with great thought and prayer. We do not see this as “over-reacting” since we cannot accurately see how far this virus has spread thus far or predict how far it will spread in the future.  Rather, we want to be responsible and considerate to our church family and to our community.

In the meantime, we want to encourage each of you to be faithful in prayer, in the study of God’s Word, in the giving of tithes and offerings and in your worship.

This would be a good time to listen to the many good sermons that can be found online or through other means.  We believe that one of the best online resources for Sunday morning would be John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church.  You can participate in their online Worship Service live at 10:30 a.m. at  Also, Ligonier Ministries is now offering ALL of their resources online for free!  Go to to take advantage of these great teachings from R.C. Sproul and others.

Lastly, your GBF elders will be posting online teachings, twice per week on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, on the Grace Bible Fellowship website. These will start Tuesday, March 24th, Lord willing.  This will be our effort to stay in touch with you, our beloved congregation.

In the Providence of God, He ordains all things that come to pass, including world pandemics. His purposes are far beyond our comprehension. We must continue to trust Him, remembering that for the children of God, He is working all things out for our good.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We look forward to a Sunday GBF Homecoming, hopefully in the very near future. Until then, please take advantage of the many sanctifying, online resources we are guiding you towards. As always, if you are in need, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We love you.

Soli Deo Gloria,

The GBF Elders