Christ’s Prevailing Church

“…I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

Dear Friends & Family,

Things are certainly heating up in our culture. Simple election year politics, some say?  Hmm, I don’t think so. In what is quickly becoming a “State vs. the Church” power-struggle, State and County governments are attempting to shut down the Church entirely while giving preference to money making establishments such as big-box stores and casinos. Through unconstitutional and unbiblical means, government is trying to leverage their power through fear of fines and threats of imprisonment for those who would congregate for the purpose of worshipping God. Caesar is attempting to halt the worship of our One true God, restrict the influence of the Church, limit her ability to function and ultimately, prevail against her. Hyperbole some say? Take another discerning look. The media is not to be trusted, nor the numbers, nor the hype.    

Author Jeff Maples from Reformation Charlotte put it well when he wrote on August 3rd This is much more than a war on the rights and liberties afforded us by the Constitution — this is now an outright war against God and His people. The Church is being attacked — cloaked in “public safety” attire — but nonetheless, devoured by power-hungry politicians and liberals who would like nothing more than to see her die.” This is the natural inclination of unregenerate man.

Romans 13 and 1st Peter 2 are instructional Scriptures admonishing Christians how and when to submit to government authorities.  However, this submission to government is never, and has never been, an absolute. We do not and should not submit to secular government under all circumstances. When Caesar tries to restrict the Church from obeying what God has commanded, or commands us to do that which God has restricted, we find ourselves in a position where “we must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).  It is my opinion that we have now arrived in the same contextual situation as Peter and the other apostles in the book of Acts.  

Rise up men of faith!  Will you elders sit idly by while the Bride of your Lord is being abused, assaulted, attacked and starved? Will you bend your knee to the tyranny of these oppressors while your brothers and sisters in Christ suffer? The visible church has been strategically infiltrated and compromised by apostate chameleons who have slipped in unnoticed. They try to influence the Faithful through their agreeable dispositions with the whisperings of the world. Away with their divisive murmurings. Away with the Mr. Worldly Wiseman of our day.  Let the Church arise and be found faithful to the God of her salvation!