God’s Far-Reaching Salvific Grace

“In the same way the robbers who were crucified with Him also heaped insults on Him.” Matthew 27:44. “Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ Jesus answered him, ‘I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.’” Luke 23:42-43

When we compare these two Gospel accounts of the criminals being crucified with Jesus, we come upon an incredible situation that is breathing out undeniable truths. The Scriptural account in Matthew makes it clear that both criminals were heaping insults upon our Lord. Following the examples of the chief priests, scribes, and elders they were really letting Jesus have it, mocking and deriding Him with no mercy, respect, or reverence whatsoever.  Then, something remarkable happens in the Gospel account of Luke…one of the criminals begins to defend Jesus from the hurling insults of the other criminal! 

So, how is it that this one thief went from being a mocker, a hurler of insults, to a defender of Jesus and then actually having a saving faith in Jesus as King? And what we learn in contemplating that question is that salvation comes to us by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone. The explanation is that God gave this man Grace and Faith.

His salvation surely wasn’t accomplished by his works for he had no time to accumulate them. This guy is about to die!  He had no time to participate in communion. He had no time to be baptized. He had no time to be catechized. There was no time to learn the Apostle’s Creed, recite the Lord’s

Prayer, or learn Mary’s Magnificat. We see none of this. While all of these are good and wonderful things, none of them are salvific.  

This man was a thief. His works didn’t justify heaven, they justified hell. Just moments earlier, this man had no position and no meritorious standing before God. Mankind’s justice didn’t even deem him worthy to live anymore, let alone God’s higher justice.

And yet, Jesus says to him, “today…you, me, paradise.”  Look at the simplicity, the majesty of the Gospel. And let’s not miss the doctrinal ramifications that I’m just scratching the surface on:

  • There is a Kingdom, a life after this one.  Annihilationism is a lie: “today…you, me, paradise.
  • There is no such thing as “soul sleep”: “today…you, me, paradise.”
  • No such thing as purgatory: “today…you, me, paradise.”

And here’s some really good news for us today: The same Grace that was given by God then, is still being given today. The same Faith that was given by God then, is still being given today. The same Christ that saved thieves then, is still saving sinners today. And the same Kingdom that was receiving souls then is still receiving souls today. Praise God for His far-reaching salvific Grace!

-Pastor Craig