Monergistic Theology
“And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” “Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” Luke 24:27, 45
Those who think they can understand the Scriptures apart from the grace of Divine enablement, err greatly. Spiritual truths are spiritually discerned and here in our text is yet another example of man’s inability and God’s electing grace as He opened their minds and opened their hearts to the truth of the Gospel. Even though it was the Master before them the entire time, their darkened minds couldn’t recognize Him or connect the dots of the Gospel until divine grace removed this darkness and shined in glorious Light. C.H. Spurgeon said it many times, and it is as true today as ever: “Many can bring the Scriptures to mind, but the Lord alone can prepare the mind to receive the Scriptures.”
Here, the Diamond cut into the Diamond and expounded on the things concerning Himself, and in so doing, cast a Light that was never to be extinguished in these men’s minds again. The most unlearned of men can become seasoned scholars in the school of grace when the Lord Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, unfolds the mysteries of the Kingdom.
This is yet another Biblical example of what theologians call “Monergistic (one-working) Theology”. It’s the truth found in Scripture that salvation comes to us in and through one source and one source alone, and that is through the triune Godhead. Man cannot participate in this exercise because, as the Scriptures teach us, “He is dead in his sins and transgressions” (Eph 2:1, 5; Col 2:13). How is it possible that a dead thing could participate in a process that would make itself alive? Right, it can’t. It’s silly to think it could happen physically and it’s a heresy to think it could happen spiritually.
This is why Synergistic (many, together working) Theology is such a heresy. It attempts to convince us that man must “cooperate” with God in the saving of his own soul. It reeks of pride and self-exaltation and denies the very words of Scripture time and time again. It believes that the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ didn’t actually save anyone, but rather, simply made all mankind savable and that if they are to be truly saved spiritually, then they must “cooperate” with God. My answer to this? Romans 9:15-16 “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. So, then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.”
Salvation has always been a fruit of the grace and mercy of God. A 16th century war was waged to win back these truths and to kick to the curb this works theology. How is it that such a similar heresy has once again, found traction and life within our churches? Heretical doctrine will always seek to rob God of His rightful glory while at the same time, exalting man. God is in the business of actually saving people, not merely making them savable. From beginning to end, salvation (in all its aspects) is a work of God and God alone, monergism! In this, all glory goes to Him and to Him alone.